Protect Sri Lanka


Getadiwula Reforestation Project

By reforesting and reconstructing abandoned tanks in Getadiwula Forest, we’re creating a safer environment for  elephants and villagers alike. 

Sri Lanka's First Wildlife Underpass

Safeguarding Sri Lanka's Gentle Giants: The Wildlife Underpass Project at Getadiwula, Kasikote, Galgamuwa

Protect Sri Lanka

Protect Sri Lanka (PSL), a beacon of hope and a vanguard for Sri Lanka's treasured cultural and natural heritage. Established with the mission to safeguard the island's environmental integrity, PSL has emerged as one of Sri Lanka's most influential and resource-rich environmental organizations. Our journey is fueled by the commitment and expertise of our multi-talented volunteers, who are at the heart of our success.

At PSL, we confront some of the most pressing environmental challenges facing Sri Lanka today. Our focus areas include combating deforestation, tackling environmental pollution, and addressing the critical issue of human-animal conflict. Through our tireless efforts and strategic campaigns, we aim to create a sustainable future for the country's unique ecosystems and the communities that depend on them.

Join us in our journey to protect, preserve, and prosper. Together, we can ensure that Sri Lanka's environmental heritage remains intact for generations to come. Protect Sri Lanka is more than an organization – it is a movement, a commitment, and a promise to our beautiful island nation.


What we've done

Our achievements speak to our dedication and impact. In 2015, we ignited a people's movement that halted the deforestation of the historic Wilpattu region. Our "Protect Wilpattu" campaign in 2017 led to the monumental declaration of the 100,000-acre Mavillu Conservation Forest, a testament to our advocacy and perseverance. In 2018, we successfully thwarted attempts by political entities to privatize and exploit 20,000 acres of the pristine Knuckles Conservation Area for commercial purposes, safeguarding its ecological integrity.

Beyond these landmark victories, PSL has been instrumental in promoting sustainable practices across Sri Lanka. Our "Nikasala Ratak" Zero-Waste Programs are a nationwide initiative fostering environmental responsibility and waste reduction. Complementing these efforts, our extensive Reforestation Programs have revitalized numerous ecosystems, including the once-threatened Wilpattu Forest Complex.