Rethink HEC

Rethink HEC

Over three decades, the Human-Elephant Conflict (HEC) in Sri Lanka has remained unresolved, with isolated solutions falling short. It's time for a change. With 'Rethink HEC: Let’s Unite, Rethink & Resolve HEC in Sri Lanka', we are inviting every stakeholder to unite on a single platform. By merging our knowledge, experience, and passion, we can co-create an integrated approach that benefits both our communities and our elephants. Let's harness our collective strength, rethink the old ways, and carve a harmonious path forward.

Rethink HEC is a national campaign which amalgamates various strategies, intending to formulate an all-encompassing program that addresses ecological, socio-economic, and policy dimensions, which is instrumental in resolving human-elephant conflict, while ensuring the welfare of elephants and impacted communities.

We can turn the tide if we confront the missteps, learn from them, and build bridges between our communities, authorities, and conservation experts. We need a chorus of voices that say, "Let's protect our people and our elephants." It's not just about saving an endangered species; it's about preserving our cultural tapestry, our economic stability, and our human empathy.

With 'Rethink HEC,' we're not just drafting another plan; we're inviting a nation to stand together. We're calling for a truce on practices that harm both human and elephant. We're advocating for thoughtful development that respects our land, traditions, and the natural rhythms of life that have thrived on this island since time immemorial.

So, here's to finding harmony, to learning from our past, and to forging a future where kids can marvel at the gentle giants that are as much a part of Sri Lanka as its very soil. Our story can be one of hope, coexistence, and reverence for all life forms. It's time to turn the page, together.